About two hours on the builder's Hobbs
Ok well since we had everything unpacked I had to dive in and get my hands a little dirty. The toolbox is still not here so things aren't as organized as I would like. I am also missing a scotchbrite wheel so I am filing pieces for now. I did pick up a bench grinder today at Home Depot. Now I need a bench to bolt it down to. The table using the packaging from the empennage kit works fine for a table to build on but it isn't stable enough to bolt a vice and grinder onto I don't think.
So I jumped in and took the hack saw to separate the pieces of the hinge assembly. It was easy and taking the file to the resultant pieces provided a nicely deburred and smooth surface. I got to squeeze my first rivets too. Pretty exciting and nerve racking as I didn't want to mess up. I ordered the Main Squeeze from Cleveland tools. It was very easy to squeeze those rivets with that tool. I highly recommend it.
Here are some shots of my first squeezed rivets on this project. These aren't actually the first ones I had ever done as my wife and I took the RV Builders class from EAA. We didn't really squeeze too many there though as we used the rivet gun and bucking bar instead.
Oh and I didn't get to fly today.. winds gusting near to cross at 20-30+ kts made it undoable in a LSA. Going to try to get in some softs and shorts tomorrow... Fingers crossed.
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